Sunday, September 8, 2013

New Phrase of the Day: 職務の状況

I am presently filling out a 履歴書 by hand as this preferred in Japan. They imagine it shows that you are serious. At a minimum, it shows that you don't mind spending a lot of time doing something and facing the frustration of mis-writing a single character and then having to start over twice. But I digress.

At the end of said 履歴書, there's a request for 職務の状況. This is a first. To make matters worse, the instructions are wrong beneath it. They refer to a 教育の状況. It's hard to fathom how the two are the same except insofar as most academics work as teachers. Still, the question for me is what to enter. Right now, I expect from October to teach one course due to connections at a university nearby. Other than that, everything is flexible -- who takes full-time employment conditioned on the ability to keep working part-time?

A little googling finds the same term with better instructions at another university's website (

  • 記入日現在における職務の状況について記入してください。
  • 「毎週担当授業時間数」については,下記の算出方法による授業科目の1週1人当たり時間数を記入してください。
  • (注釈)算出方法:本学の例を下線で示してありますが,授業を実施している大学の単位数の計算の基準に基づき算出してください。
  • 授業科目の単位数×時間数(講義・演習 1単位15時間,実験・実習・実技 1単位30時間)
  • =授業科目の年間時間数
  • 授業科目の年間時間数÷年間週数30週(前期又は後期のみの場合は15週)
  • =授業科目の1週当たり時間数
  • (前期又は後期のみの場合は,備考欄に「前期」又は「後期」と記入してください。)
  • 授業科目の1週当たり時間数÷担当者数
  • =授業科目の1週1人当たり時間数(小数点以下第3位切捨)
  • 2年以上にわたる授業科目の場合は,総単位数を年数で除し,1年間当たりの単位数で時間数を算出してください。
  • 集中講義の場合は総時間数を記入し,備考欄に「集中」と記入してください。
  • なお,同一大学の専任学部(又は所属)以外の学部の授業を担当している場合は兼担の欄に,専任大学以外の大学の授業を担当している場合は兼任の欄に記入してください。
  • 大学以外の学校,研究所等に勤務しているときは,様式に準じ職務内容の概要がわかるように記入してください。

Translated for your ease:

Concerning "職務の状況" (work conditions)
* Please enter your present working conditions
* Concerning the amount of time spend running classes, use the following rules to calculate for a course that you are the sole instructor for.
  Calculation method: An example for our university is presented below, but calculate according the rules established for the school at which you are teaching.
  [number of classes] * [number of hours of classes] (for lectures and seminars, 1 credit is 15 hours; for labs practicums, and skill courses 1 credit is 30 hours)  = this is your yearly course workload
[yearly course workload] / [30 weeks in the academic year] (if only for one semester 15 weeks) =  this is your weekly teaching load (if only teaching for the first or second semester please enter this).

 [weekly course load] / [number of instructors] = your personal teaching load for one week (cut things off after the second decimal place)

If you are teaching a course that lasts longer than two years, look at the single year portion to make your calculation. In the case of an intensive seminar, enter the total time but indicate it is an intensive. In the case that you have responsibilities for courses in other departments or are co-teaching, please enter this in the co-teaching column. If you are doing other things, like research groups, please write this information as well.

Needless to say, this sort of question does not appear in Western application processes.

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